PRP Hair Loss Therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a procedure performed in which you donate your own blood, then it is centrifuged to isolate fresh platelets from the clotting proteins. These platelets contain hundreds of specialized proteins called growth factors that aid healing.

If you’re looking for hair growth and regeneration, this is one of the only treatments that truly stimulates the body’s natural healing process. This non-invasive treatment uses your own blood to create new tissue and increase collagen production in the scalp.

Benefits: PRP treatment can address multiple areas once thought difficult to treat including: hair loss, hair growth enhancement and thickening, collagen stimulation, acne scarring and deep facial wrinkles.

How it Works

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a natural substance that can be used to treat hair loss. When injected into the scalp, PRP encourages hair regrowth by regenerating the skin and scalp tissue that support your hair. PRP is composed of platelets, growth factors, cytokines and other substances found naturally in our blood. These constituents help stimulate cell division, blood vessel formation and cellular metabolism. This treatment is great for any hair loss condition or chronic wound that needs some extra help healing.

Before & After